Marlene E Moses
Skilled attorneys and a reputation for success have made Moses Townsend & Russ, PLLC one of the most respected family and divorce law firms in Tennessee. This recognition is built on more than 34 years of experience in the areas of complex marital and family law litigation and trial work including premarital agreements, postnuptial agreements, domestic partnership agreements, marital dissolution agreements, divorce, juvenile court matters, spousal support (alimony), property and debt division, child support and custody, parentage, attorneys fees and costs, as well as, alternative dispute resolution including arbitration and mediation.
Moses Townsend & Russ PLLC
205 23rd Ave N
Nashville TN 37203
Tel: 615 341-0070
Fax: 615 341-0076
Board Certified Family Trial Lawyer - National Board of Legal Specialty Certification
Areas of Expertise
Skilled attorneys and a reputation for success have made Moses Townsend & Russ, PLLC one of the most respected family and divorce law firms in Tennessee. This recognition is built on more than 34 years of experience in the areas of complex marital and family law litigation and trial work including premarital agreements, postnuptial agreements, domestic partnership agreements, marital dissolution agreements, divorce, juvenile court matters, spousal support (alimony), property and debt division, child support and custody, parentage, attorneys fees and costs, as well as, alternative dispute resolution including arbitration, collaborative law and mediation.
Our Areas of Practice
Moses Townsend & Russ, PLLC offers a comprehensive range of family law services from advice and counseling on the most sophisticated and complex business and legal issues to negotiating agreements, mediating disputes, and litigation including:
Premarital Agreements
Postnuptial Agreements
Domestic Partnership Agreements
Marital Dissolution Agreements
Property and Debt Division
Juvenile Court Matters
Child Custody and Support
Spousal Support (Alimony)
Attorney Fees and Costs
Collaborative Law
The focus of Moses Townsend & Russ, PLLC is to accomplish the goals of its clients and to do so in the most efficient, cost effective manner possible.
